We are responsible for the following courses:
- Klinisk masspektrometri, 7.5 hp
This course is only given in Swedish.
Kursen ges på halvfart (50 %) med blandat distans- och campusundervisning. Kursen ges både som fristående kurs och inom masterprogrammet i biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap. Under kursen kommer du att få en bred kunskap inom masspektrometriska tekniker med tillämpningar inom hälso- och sjukvården. Under kursen kommer masspektrometri, separationstekniker som vätskekromatografi, provupparbetning, metodkonstruktion, validering samt kvalitetssäkring att behandlas. Du kommer också att få utföra masspektrometriska analyser med klinisk tillämpning.

- Global and Environmental Aspects on Neurohealth, 7.5 ECTS
The course is aimed at students in natural science, healthcare, pharmaceutical, and related programs and deals with the effects of environmental problems on health from a neurological perspective. Risks that are addressed include air pollution, chemical pollutants (PFAS, PCBs, and more), heavy metals, and noise.
You will learn more about their involvement in common neurological disorders and children’s development. The aim is to provide an overview of the mechanisms behind the environmental risks and, at the same time, provide instruments to analyze the issues and develop strategies to solve them.
The course runs full-time for five weeks, with one week on campus in Uppsala and the other weeks online (Zoom). The course is given within the ENLIGHT network (https://enlight-eu.org/), which means that the course is open to students from any of the nine ENLIGHT universities and that ENLIGHT students who wish to travel to Uppsala during the course can apply for support for this via Erasmus+.